Task 4: Attacker 4

Provide the first decoded string found in this maldoc.

First we need to see the stream with the macros. image image In this macro we see a lot of obsfucated strings but going down the file, there is something interesting. image image

But what is XORI in macros? A quick google search revealed the answer. So to get the decoded string we need to first convert (3F34193F254049193F253A331522) from hex then xor it with the key given(7267417269). cyberchef does the work pretty fast. image

Provide the name of the binary being dropped.

So lets see if there are any other obfsucated strings like the last one and try to decode them. So I searched for the string “xori” in the output and went on from there. Next string is this one: image The output gives us “GET” that’s a good lead. I decoded the rest of the xor strings and one of them gave me the binary. image

Provide the folder where the binary is being dropped to.

Without much decoding one can easily see the folder where the binary was being dropped.

Provide the name of the second binary.

For this, since I had decoded all the strings, I got the answer pretyy quickly. image

Provide the full URI from which the second binary was downloaded (exclude http/https).

The URL also was also quick to notice. image

Not so hard after all…
