Knight 2024

- 2 mins read

Writeups for steg challenges that I solved with my team


We are given a tar file: Upon extracting, we get 2 files; clue.jpg,peaceful.wav Checking metadata using exiftool of the clue.jpg, we get an interesting time which was encoded in base58; image I used cyberchef to decode the content and I got some word “theoceanisactuallyreallydeeeepp” image

Remember also we were given a wav file, I tried using sonic visualizer and git into a rabbit hole thinking there was some sort of morse code. To cut the long story, I came across this page Which explained a tool called deepsound that can be used to discover files hidden in a wav file.

I installed the tool and upon opening it and selecting our wav file it prompted me a password; image I went back to the string we had found and entered it as password and it worked. image I extracted the flag.png to my machine and this is where I took some time. The tool I used was “binwalk” and extracted the files in the image and got the flag. image image


Flag Hunt

This was a nice challenge with me ending being rick rolled! Anyway for this we are given a, try extracting it requires a password. I cracked the zip file using frackzip; fcrackzip -b -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -u

image We get a lot of images and some 2 txt files and a wav file(again!!). I opened my file explorer and since I always sort my files according to size one image stood out to me which was “img725.jpg”. image and sure enough that image had more bytes than the rest of the images. I tried cracking the image using stegseek but could not find a valid password. I left that for a while and decided to go to the wav file. On playing it I had some beeps and immediately I knew it was morse code. I used this tool to decode the audio and I got the following text MORSECODETOTHERESCUE!! I went back to the image and I used steghide to extract using the found content but it wasn’t valid. It dawned on me that I hadn’t read the other text files. One particularly stood out which said The flag is here somewhere. Keep Searching.. Tip: Use lowercase only

I put now the found password in small letters morsecodetotherescue!! and tried using steghide again. Found Flag!! image KCTF{3mb3d_53cr37_4nd_z1pp17_4ll_up_ba6df32ce}

